What other's are saying

"VideoTroop is perfect for content creators who want to focus on the content...not the tech!"

-Trica D.

Before I worked with Video Troop I had to record my videos multiple times until I nailed it.  There was no editing videos because I didn’t know how to. I couldn’t add another thing I needed to learn to my list and I knew I didn’t want to do learn the tech piece - this was something I needed to outsource.

Working with Video Troop made my life easy, turn-key and hassle-free.  Since hiring VideoTroop, they have created a video for me every week. And we keep perfecting elements like my brand, the length, and call outs to fit my style perfectly.  If I would have edited them myself...I would be creating a video a month, or even less.

Content creation is key to my goals and establishing myself as the authority for the women I coach.  I am starting to imagine more creative ways to share my message and with VideoTroop, the skies the limit.  I can’t wait to compare my first videos to where I am a year from now. 
VideoTroop is perfect for content creators who want to focus on the content...not the tech!

-Tricia D., Thrive Her

"I feel so fortunate that in the short time we've been working together, they've been able to create eight videos for me in a two week period."

-Emily H.

My name is Emily Hawkins, and I'm a career and life coach. And as a career and life coach, the best thing I can do is share my story and my vision with others. And that is why video is so important to me. But before I started working with Video Troop, that was a disaster for me. I would film a video, and then I would have to go back and edit it. And sometimes, I didn't know what I was doing. And I would spend hours doing this. I love speaking with my clients. That is my pride and joy. And I knew that by not producing enough videos, it was holding my business back. And since finding Video Troop, I feel so fortunate that in the short time we've been working together, they've been able to create eight videos for me in a two week period. And this is only because I've been slow to produce the videos. I'm used to doing this so slowly that I wasn't aware I could send many videos to them, and they could edit them like that. It's worth its weight in gold having them as a team member. And I do consider them part of my team. They care deeply, they respond quickly, and the process is laid out step-by-step. Instead of giving you all these instructions at once, they follow you where you are in the process, and 

they give you all the information you need. And guess what? When I started using them, I didn't know what I was doing. They taught me so much about video editing that I wasn't even aware of existed before. So not only are my videos more quality and just better put together, the zoom is amazing, but I've learned so much about how to create better videos that reach my audience faster. And now, I can dedicate more time to my actual clients and less time on the task that honestly, I was never good at in the first place. If you are a novice video editor, Video Troop is for you. If you are somebody who is looking for a way to amp up your social media, Video Troop is for you. If you are somebody who is afraid to create video because you have no idea how to do any of this, Video Troop is for you. If you are watching this, then Video Troop is for you. You are wasting your time, and I promise you your time is worth money. So you are wasting a lot of money by not empowering this organization to make you more professional.

-Emily H., Life Coach


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